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New health guidelines are now saying that we should consume seven (not five!) portions a day of fruit and veg.  If you sometimes have trouble getting even one portion into your family, here is a lifesaver of a smoothie recipe.  It is a quick, easy and, most importantly, delicious way to start the day off on the right foot.  Portions can be adjusted to make enough for one or all the family – one small handful per ingredient per person.

Smoothie 2.jpg


  • 1 handful Meade strawberries

  • 1 handful Meade blueberries

  • 1 handful Meade red grapes

  • 1 handful of a Meade carrot (a small carrot)

  • 1 handful banana (a small banana)

  • 1 big tablespoon (or squirt) of honey (optional to suit your taste)

  • 2 overloaded tablespoons of Greek yoghurt

  • 1 small glassful of orange juice



  • Blend in a regular blender or smoothie maker until liquidised.

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